3 Steps to Hook Up on Tinder? How to Text “Hi” Then Bang

Tinder Hookup It’s easier than you think

Tinder is something you have probably heard of unless you’ve lived under a rock for ten.

You already know the basics of Tinder. There will be an endless number of singles in your area. Swipe right to see if you like someone, or swipe left if not.

Top Adult Dating App & Sex Sites

  1. Adult Friend Finder
  2. Alt.com
  3. Out personals (Gay Dating)
  4. Ashley Madison (Personal Hookup and Dating)
  5. Passion.com
  6. No String Attached
  7. Adult Sex Finder
  8. Get It On
  9. Cams (Adult Sex Chatting Online)
  10. Swap Finder

You’ll also know what Tinder is for: finding someone to hook-up with.

That’s the idea anyway. Tinder is now a dying breed. Tinder has a lot of people looking for relationships, as well as those just wanting to get laid. It can be hard to tell the difference between them, and this can lead to many dead ends and wasted time.

Hookup Culture is not a dirty word. It’s fine to just hook up with strangers. To make sure you get a hookup, all you need is to know how to present your self and what to say about potential matches.

We’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you. We’ll show you how to:

  • Create the perfect bio
  • Upload your best photos
  • Send the best opening lines
  • In record time, get a Tinder hookup

You can now strap yourself in and dive into the world of casual sex and hookups without having to engage in boring conversations. This is our definitive guide to Tinder hookups.

Women on Tinder – The Basics

Tinder can sometimes prove to be a double-edged sword. Although Tinder is a dating app that focuses on hookups, it can still be a difficult process. It’s almost the exact opposite of what the original app was about.

It’s really the same for any online dating app. Easy sex and dates don’t just happen. They require you to put in the effort.

Before we get to the details of setting up your Tinder profile and finding a hottie in the area, here are some facts about Tinder users.

Yes, these babes are looking for sex and friends-with-benefits situations too, but here’s the catch: They won’t just come out and say it.

There are very few chances of you finding profiles that say “I’m just here for fuck, but not make friends” on Tinder. Absolutely zero. As much as we would like them to, they don’t.

This could be due to many reasons, but the most common is that they don’t want others to think they are desperate, needy or easy. They might be any combination of these things, but no woman who is self-respecting will admit it.

It’s understandable. It’s understandable. But how can you tell which girls want serious fun?

There are definitely hints in women’s bios. You’ll find things like “just recently ended a long-term relationship and not looking to get into anything serious” or “looking for casual dating and seeing what happens.” These comments are Tinder code for “I’m here to sex.”

Tinder Profile

You don’t really see their photos when you browse Tinder women, are you?

Yes, it’s true. But that doesn’t mean that women aren’t looking at your Tinder profile. There are many women who use Tinder for easy sex. However, women tend to be more selective in selecting their partners. They aren’t content with Tinder photos alone.

Your Tinder profile should be interesting. If your profile doesn’t reflect your personality, she will move on to someone who does. It’s worse than that, leaving your profile blank can lead to death.

What do you have to say about yourself in your profile? What can you say to woo her? What is the secret combination that will keep her glued to your profile forever?

It should be short, concise, and informative. It should be short enough to convey your personality and leave enough space for women to have a Tinder conversation about the things you mentioned. Here are some examples.

  • Chris is from Florida. I love heavy metal, books, and painting.
  • I was once indecisive. Now I’m more confident. If this makes you smile, there are many other places that I could have come from.
  • It all depends on the woman. Which one do you prefer?
  • You can be sure that I will always be the best looking person in your relationship.

It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t need to be lengthy. It should be kept to 300 characters, and keep in mind that humor can go a long ways. She won’t be interested if you have a wall of text.

Many guys feel embarrassed about Tinder and just post things like “just here to experience it.” A bio like this will guarantee that these guys won’t get any action.

The Perfect Tinder Photo

Your photos will get the first reactions. This is a sad fact and it’s not something you want to ignore, but it’s true. This is a sad reality that you must accept if you want to be laid with someone. Your profile photo will be used by women to decide their swipe direction. There is nothing you can do.

This small fact can cause anxiety in men. What if they choose the wrong profile pic and miss out on the chance to hook up with the woman of their dreams? What if theythink that their profile pic looks good, but others don’t think so? This is a mental minefield.

It’s not as hard as you might think. To attract the most people to your profile, there are some simple rules you can follow.

You can only control what you do not like about yourself.

There are many things that we cannot control, such as our appearance and height. Our looks, our height, our eye color, etc. If you are concerned about your height or looks, you don’t want a profile picture that highlights the fact you’re small and ugly.

Instead, focus on something else. You have control over your fashion sense, grooming, hygiene, and many other things. These things will make you appear capable and functional as an adult if you are able to draw attention to them. This will make you a more attractive person and improve your chances of hooking up. Your strengths should be highlighted and your weaknesses should be minimized.

Filters and emojis are stupid and infantile. Women don’t care if you have a halo around the head. It’s not going to be there when they meet in person. Make sure that your profile photo isn’t a Snapchat of you.

Other Tinder Photos

A basic Tinder profile will give you 8 photos (or 12 if you use Tinder PLUS). It’s important to have at least five photos. You have a better chance of meeting someone tonight if you upload more pictures. You will be able to show your true self by taking more photos.

Contrary to what some might think, it’s more than just about looking like a stud. You won’t get far if you take bare-chested photos or post gym selfies. And girls don’t like this. You need to make a woman laugh and be interesting.

Women will choose the funny/interesting guy for casual things over the vanity-ridden gym rat. This is doubly true when it comes to dates. You’re already one step ahead of the rest if you can show her you have life experience beyond lifting weights.

The more varied your photos, the better. Avoid taking too many selfies. Instead, take pictures of yourself socializing, on holiday, or at a famous landmark. The kind of pics that can be conversation-starters from her end.

Pictures are more important thanto features. Here are some Tinder photos that don’t work.

  • Photos of you and your ex. That is what no one wants to see.
  • You can take endless selfies, but nothing else. This does not mean you don’t have friends or a social life.
  • Photos of men posing without shirts. This is a sign that women are vain and need validation.
  • A friend and you, especially if they are better looking than yourself.
  • These photos look like they were taken from Snapchat using filters, emojis and captions.
  • Other than you. Your dog may be cute, but she won’t fuck you for being cute.

Look like a safe adult and not a douche.

Your First Messages

Have you ever seen a Tinder inbox for a woman? These are her messages:

  • ‘Hey.’
  • “How are you?”
  • ‘Hi.’
  • “You’re so hot.”

Repeat this a million more times. You probably don’t need to be told that women don’t like people who send them messages like these. You won’t get laid if you say ‘hey’ from the beginning.

You need to work hard, even if you’re just looking for a hookup. It’s easy for men to believe that they just need to contact a girl before they can be invited into their bed. But it’s not always so simple. Pictures are the spark and conversations the fuel.

How can you make the conversation explosive?

We can only give you one piece of advice: Be interesting. Do not start your message with “hey” because she will get this twenty times per day. She’ll see this word and throw you in with the other boring, personalityless users.

Our second best advice is to look through her profile and find something to chat about. Are you able to share anything? Do you like anything about her profile in particular? You will need to work hard, but it is a sure way to get a reply. Check out the photos to see if she has been to famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Tokyo Skytree.

There are many things that you can say in your first message. Here is a brief list:

  • Boring, interview-style questions. Instant swipe left.
  • Excessive use of emojis. Emojis can make you appear like a child. This is something we can’t emphasize enough.
  • Fake “get-to know-you” questions such as “How was your day?” Fake ‘get-to-know you’ questions like ‘how was your day?’ are a great way to make connections that will not be forgotten.
  • There are huge walls of text. She is looking to get in on a relationship, not to read a book.

These questions won’t get her in the spirit for chit-chat, and definitely not for impulsive sexual sex. These questions should be avoided at all cost.

Hookup Opportunities

These are some things you can say to your match after you have connected. If she is a bit conservative, avoid the more risky ones.

  • “Is it possible to have your virginity grow back?”
  • “I see that you went to [place pictured on profile]. ‘Why the hell are you coming back?
  • “You have a very nice name. Is your phone number as appealing?
  • “I came here to meet a hot lady and drink Sunny Delight… but I’m out of Sunny Delight.”

Humor is the secret weapon. According to a recent survey, Tinder girls are more likely to respond if they find him funny.

Chat up lines are one of the most controversial aspects of online dating. Chat up lines have become a dead ringer in modern online dating (especially when it comes to in-person relationships). The serious ones, however, are fine. Women are no longer enthralled by a well-rehearsed sentence. Neil Strauss, thank you so much.

The truth is, somechat-up lines still work. As long as they are either funny or cheesey, or address the irony in using chat-up lines. Here are some good examples.

  • “Do you like raisins?” How do you feel about dates?
  • “My name is the Chrome browser. Can I crash at you place tonight?
  • “I’m learning about historical dates. Want to be one?
  • “You need a bank loan to get my interest.

These lines look almost like chat up line parodies. They work for many reasons so use them to your advantage.

Be Honest, But Not Too Honest

You’re searching for something casual?

It’s okay, she most likely is, but it’s important not to announce it. It’s paradoxical, but simply writing “only here to hookup” in your bio can be a great way for ghosted.

Once the conversation has gained momentum, you can be a bit more transparent about your intentions. This is how it looks like:

  • “I’m not here to do anything serious, but who knows if the right woman will come along?”

It’s very discouraging to see a guy not take the time to get acquainted with a girl. This is a very strange concept. Both the guy and girl may just want to get dirty. However, this social jig has become an important part of online dating.

Ask her Out

For clarity, “ask her out” can refer to a variety of things. While some people won’t ask her out on dates, others might. It all depends on the person and their level of confidence.

After some back and forth conversation, you will feel comfortable enough to move on to the next step, which is to send your chat to Whatsapp, or by text message. This allows users to get away from Tinder. However, it is probably not important for men as women receive a lot of Tinder notifications.

You’ve got her phone number. Now what? After chatting a bit on the text platform of your choice, you can ask her what she has in store for that evening. You can strike a deal with her by asking what she has in store for the night.

  • “I can come and keep your busy if necessary.”
  • “Someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have anyone to keep him company?”
  • ‘Me neither. Let’s do nothing together!
  • “If you don’t do much, why not do me?”

If you have charmed her, she will likely say yes. Congratulations, now you can go on dates, hookups, or do whatever you want.


We can’t stress this enough: Respect is something you must practice. Respectful behavior is required at all times. There are no exceptions.

Online dating sites can be a cruel reality. Many people will swipe right on you, but just the same number of people will swipe left. There will be many people who reject you. Many users will reject you. It’s part of the dating process.

Many men are not tolerant of rejection and will often vent their anger at the people who have rejected them. This is not a good way to go. This is not a good approach. Abuse is a ticket to Blocksville.

After a few days, you can leave a comment to let her know that you are not satisfied with her silence. It doesn’t have to be anything serious. Just something like “hey, are you still using Tinder?” You can move on to new friends if she doesn’t respond. Do not bombard her with messages. If you aren’t having sex before, it is likely that you won’t be after.

Bonus Tips

You should be aware of some special ad-hoc items that don’t fall under the other categories.

Gifs are a great way to communicate your feelings. Gifs are a favorite tool of the internet. Gifs can often communicate our emotions better than words, so make sure to use them in conversation. You also show that you are a bit of a skeptic. Tinder has a variety of GIF options to make it easier.

You might need to do some sexting before you can move on to hooking up. Be ready for anything. You should learn the basics of good sexting. Also, prepare some sexy photos ahead of time (because she will want them).

To stand out from the rest, upgrade to Tinder Plus. This will give you an extra boost and feature your name and profile in the highlighted profiles section. Tinder Plus reports an average increase of 12% in right-swipes. This can be very significant. Make sure to return swipes in order to match with as many people possible.

Last but not least, and this should be obvious: be safe. This could mean two things. First, ensure that the person you are messaging is real. Tinder is full of scammers and phishers, so be cautious.

Second, don’t be reckless when you are dating or hooking up. If possible, meet them in public and then bring the date back to yours. Use a condom if she is hooking up. Hookup culture is great for our sexual lives, but bad for STD control.

What are other dating apps?

Tinder isn’t the only way to meet new. There are many other platforms that offer similar hookup opportunities. Below are a few of our favorite sites.


Tinder’s matchmaking process is the same as Bumble, but you have a shorter window to send your first message. You and your potential hookup partner cannot chat after an hour, unless you send a text message or take your conversation over to Whatsapp.

Although it’s extreme, it can really spark the conversation. A time limit is what really motivates people to take action. This is a smart way to avoid the inbox rot Tinder has created.

Another advantage of this dating app? It’s rapidly becoming as popular as Tinder. This means that you will see many of the same people if you are on Tinder. This can be both a blessing or a curse, depending on your circumstances.

Hookup App

Imagine Tinder, where everyone is just looking for quick, easy sex. There are no time-wasters who want to find a partner. You just imagined Sex Hookup App .

You can swipe, or browse the site freely. It’s up to you which way you prefer. SexHookupApp is available in all major cities around the globe. All of these users are looking for instant gratification. This app is straightforward. SexHookupApp allows men and women to hookup easily.

SexHookupApp is a new app that’s making waves in the dating scene. It allows you to hook up with someone without strings and makes it easy to make new friends.

It is much easier than Tinder. Here, you don’t need to worry about dating psychology or conversation. The best part is that you will only find a short-term, explosive relationship on Sex Hookup App. SexHookupApp is the best place to find someone new tonight.

Adult Friend Finder

Before Tinder, and before all the other dating apps, there was adult friend Finder.

Adult FriendFinder is the oldest dating site on the market. It has been helping people find dates and bringing them together for over 25 years.

Adult Friend Finder would be what you get if Tinder and social media were combined. It’s more than a place for you to browse potential partners. It’s also a place where you can chat and find someone special. Online dating is covered by forums, blogs, chat rooms and group events. It is a large community with 20 million members worldwide.

AFF is not the best site for hooking up because it’s not a dating site. There’s no doubt you will find someone to chat with, but they might be seeking long-term romance and not just pleasure.


OKCupid is the dating site that will end all other dating sites. It’s currently the best dating site outside of Tinder.

OKCupid, like AFF has been around for a long time. It has a large user base all over the globe and is still the most loved classic dating site. Why? OKCupid has evolved with the times. It was once a simple platform for guys to meet girls, but it has evolved into a vibrant community that includes people from all walks.

OKC is known for its inclusiveness. There are many gays, queers and trans people in the city’s streets. Although it isn’t as simple as Tinder in terms of hooking up there’s a Tinder-inspired swipe system for those who don’t want to scroll through endless matches.

OKCupid isn’t as easy as Tinder to find a hookup, but it’s still very user-friendly.


Are you tired of vanilla sex. We can help you too. Feeld is here for you to spice up your sex life.

Feeld is an app that allows fetishists, all kinds of perverts, to connect with other perverts and share a love for deviancy. Feeld will help you find others who are interested in fetishizing it.

BDSM, spanking, whipping, restraining, cuckolding, swinging. Even the more extreme stuff, like extreme insertion and ball-busting. Feeld is a backdoor tavern that allows them to all get together and discuss the disgusting shit they are into. It sounds like a lot fun, doesn’t it?

Although it is definitely true, Feeld is not for the faint of heart. To handle the images here, you’ll need to have an iron stomach and steely bones. If that’s your thing, then great! Consider Feeld the kinky version of Tinder.

You won’t find a hookup on Feeld if you are one of those pesky fetishists who is picky about the people they sleep with. But if you put in the effort, eventually you will find one.